Monday, March 22, 2010

Make a decision and move...

I am feeling like a little bit of soap box time.... No, I am not going to talk about the recently passed legislation that has taken up so much of America's time and energy for the last few days. I'd rather talk about each of us trying to achieve something.

I have reached a point where I am tired of excuses for laziness and inaction. It seems that every day I am either involved with or hear about a meeting to discuss the creation of a committee to study the impact of a potential change to a thing that may or may not happen based on the outcome of some survey that has been conducted by a independent third party firm to determine the feasibility of actually asking someone who works for or with us to consider doing something. (aside...That might be my favorite sentence that I have every written. It is poetically long and quite well crafted)

Seriously, isn't it about time we take some initiative and start actually doing things. This country was not made great by men sitting around a conference room and talking about how to fix things. Men and women used to get up every day and do something. Now is seems we substitute talking and posturing for action. We have got to stop that.

To do my part to move my world forward I remind myself of these things all the time.

1) If I don't do anything today, I will still be in the same spot tomorrow.
2) There is no such thing as perfect information, act with what you know. Make corrections as needed.
3) It is okay to be wrong.
4) If I am wrong, if I made a bad decision, accept responsibility, fix it and move on to the next decision
5) People are looking for someone to be "the guy". Step up and be that guy. People will follow and support.

There are so many things that we want to accomplish, yet we let day after day slip by without speaking up, standing out or moving towards those items. We figure if we just get through this day, this week, this project...that eventually we will have time to spend on reaching our true goals.

Let's make a change. Get over every excuse we make for not doing something. Realize that failure is a part of life. Let's call a potential client, learn a new skill, ask a girl/guy out, apply for a new job, try out for a play... Whatever is it that you want to accomplish, start now!

Open yourself up and you might fail, but you might succeed. Either way, just make a decision and move. At least you'll find yourself somewhere else.

1 comment:

  1. you should preach...hmmm....I bet you've never been told that before :). Thanks for writing well!
