Monday, March 15, 2010

It is dark outside..

Every day I start the same way. I am stirred to a semi-concious state by the sound of Bubbles' (our dog) ears. Yes, her ears! I wish I could describe the sound but I don't have the words. All I know is that the first thing she does every morning is "flop" her head back and forth REAL fast so that her ears slap each side of head. (The only sound that I can think it resembles is the sound of the quail taking flight on my recent quail hunt). Whatever the sound, it is now my alarm! Fhu-wut, wut, wut, wut, wut, wut....

It is time to get up and take the dog out. As an aside, here is something I haven't quite figured out. This dog, that we acquired for my daughter and has since become without question my wife's dog, I somehow ended up with the responsibility of taking her out every night and morning. I didn't ask for the dog. Some days I don't even like the dog. But every morning, hot or cold, rain or shine, 5 am or whenever, there I am racing the dog downstairs so I can get to the door before she pees inside.

So this morning I go to take Bubbles out and discover that it is still dark outside. Now I am a fan of the 'extra' daylight we have during DST. However I am never and will never be a fan of having to get up while it is still dark outside. I learned this morning that Bubbles is not a fan either. She was very hesitant and through me another 'fake pee squat'. Yes, the dog fakes like she is peeing when it is not to her liking outside. I wasn't going to take that this morning so I waited her out and sure enough after a few minutes (time that I could have been sleeping) she broke down and let it out... Score one for the human.

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