Sunday, April 11, 2010

I am going to be happy...

It has been over week since my last post and for me at least the week has flown by.  Between working huge hours to get my client's tax work done before the April 15th deadline and the trip I made this weekend to Freed-Hardemen University (Henderson, TN) to see Daniel perform in Makin' Music, I haven't had much free time.

During my drive time this past week (aside... I drive an hour each way to work, plenty of time to think) I was considering 'old' people.  Maybe because I am finally starting to see that I have grown up or the realization that Jacqui and I are empty nesters, I have been thinking about being 'old' and retirement a whole bunch more.

My thoughts on this particular day lead me to the following over generalization.  There are two types of elderly people.  Those that seem happy all the time, no matter the situation that is front of them.  And those that seem bitter and angry no matter the situation that is in front of them.

I know some of both types.  Guess which one is more fun to deal with??

As I thought about this I made a promise to myself that I would not allow myself to become a bitter old person.  I would do all I can to be a "Happy" Old Man (I was going to be a "Dirty" old man but Jacqui won't let me :) ).

I not 100% sure how to do this but I have a few ideas.

1)  I will not put myself into a shell and let the world change around me without being a part of it.
2)  I will continue to try new things, even those things that I have in the past vocally said I might not do (i.e. sky diving)
3)  I will remember that being happy is a choice.  Envy, bitterness and strife are things I can avoid by the way I approach the world.  I control MY reaction to the things that others do.  I can choose to be happy.
4)  I will not let the things of this world entangle me so much that I forget that life on earth is practice for something greater.
5) I will do my best to "lighten up" (Dude!!), when it is appropriate.  I will let go of things that are petty and stupid (such as my life long hatred of Sigma Rho).  No place for that and it doesn't make sense.

That is what I was thinking.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  I know having a hope of heaven is a big part of being happy as I age, but I certainly know some grumpy old Christian men!!

Thanks for reading


p.s. Go Sigma Rho, I wanted you to win last night even if I thought your "Special Thanks" section of the program was crass.

1 comment:

  1. I am married to such a wonderful man. Thanks for being willing to "roll with it."
